Friday, September 4, 2015

Leetcode 256. Paint House

There are a row of n houses, each house can be painted with one of the three colors: red, blue or green. The cost of painting each house with a certain color is different. You have to paint all the houses such that no two adjacent houses have the same color.
The cost of painting each house with a certain color is represented by a n x 3 cost matrix. For example,costs[0][0] is the cost of painting house 0 with color red; costs[1][2] is the cost of painting house 1 with color green, and so on… Find the minimum cost to paint all houses.
Using DP. Try 3 paint ways and get the min.
# Time:  O(n)
# Space: O(1)

class Solution(object):
    def minCost(self, costs):
        :type costs: List[List[int]]
        :rtype: int
        if not costs:
            return 0
        min_cost = [costs[0], [0, 0, 0]]
        n = len(costs)
        for i in xrange(1, n):
            min_cost[i % 2][0] = costs[i][0] + \
                                 min(min_cost[(i - 1) % 2][1], min_cost[(i - 1) % 2][2])
            min_cost[i % 2][1] = costs[i][1] + \
                                 min(min_cost[(i - 1) % 2][0], min_cost[(i - 1) % 2][2])
            min_cost[i % 2][2] = costs[i][2] + \
                                 min(min_cost[(i - 1) % 2][0], min_cost[(i - 1) % 2][1])

        return min(min_cost[(n - 1) % 2])

Leetcode 255. Verify Preorder Sequence in Binary Search Tree

Given an array of numbers, verify whether it is the correct preorder traversal sequence of a binary search tree.
You may assume each number in the sequence is unique.
It is not easy to achieve O(1) space.
# Time:  O(n)
# Space: O(1)

class Solution:
    # @param {integer[]} preorder
    # @return {boolean}
    def verifyPreorder(self, preorder):
        low, i = float("-inf"), -1
        for p in preorder:
            if p < low:
                return False
            while i >= 0 and p > preorder[i]:
                low = preorder[i]
                i -= 1
            i += 1
            preorder[i] = p
        return True

Leetcode 254. Factor Combinations

Numbers can be regarded as product of its factors. For example,

8 = 2 x 2 x 2;
  = 2 x 4.

Write a function that takes an integer n and return all possible combinations of its factors.
How to get factors and combine them properly? If we divide the number into as small as possible parts, we can do it. Or we can use DFS directly, which is even better and save a lot of trouble.

# Time:  O(nlogn)
# Space: O(logn)

class Solution:
    # @param {integer} n
    # @return {integer[][]}
    def getFactors(self, n):
        result = []
        factors = []
        self.getResult(n, result, factors)
        return result

    def getResult(self, n, result, factors):
        i = 2 if not factors else factors[-1]
        while i <= n / i:
            if n % i == 0:
                factors.append(n / i);
                self.getResult(n / i, result, factors);
            i += 1

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Leetcode 253. Meeting Rooms II

Given an array of meeting time intervals consisting of start and end times [[s1,e1],[s2,e2],...] (si < ei), find the minimum number of conference rooms required. 

For example, 
Given [[0, 30],[5, 10],[15, 20]], 
return 2. 

# Time:  O(nlogn)
# Space: O(n)

# Definition for an interval.
# class Interval:
#     def __init__(self, s=0, e=0):
#         self.start = s
#         self.end = e

class Solution:
    # @param {Interval[]} intervals
    # @return {integer}
    def minMeetingRooms(self, intervals):
        starts, ends = [], []
        for i in intervals:


        s, e = 0, 0
        min_rooms, cnt_rooms = 0, 0
        while s < len(starts):
            if starts[s] < ends[e]:
                cnt_rooms += 1  # Acquire a room.
                # Update the min number of rooms.
                min_rooms = max(min_rooms, cnt_rooms)
                s += 1
                cnt_rooms -= 1  # Release a room.
                e += 1

        return min_rooms

Leetcode 252. Meeting Rooms

Given an array of meeting time intervals consisting of start and end times [[s1,e1],[s2,e2],...] (si < ei), determine if a person could attend all meetings.

For example,

Given [[0, 30],[5, 10],[15, 20]],
return false.
So the thing is clear: detect the overlap. If comparing one by one, it is too low. Actually we can sort the intervals by staring time, if one's end exceeds its next one's start, return False.

# Time:  O(nlogn)
# Space: O(n)
# Definition for an interval.
# class Interval:
#     def __init__(self, s=0, e=0):
#         self.start = s
#         self.end = e

class Solution:
    # @param {Interval[]} intervals
    # @return {boolean}
    def canAttendMeetings(self, intervals):
        intervals.sort(key=lambda x: x.start)
        for i in xrange(1, len(intervals)):
            if intervals[i].start < intervals[i-1].end:
                return False
        return True

Leetcode 251. Flatten 2D Vector

Implement an iterator to flatten a 2d vector.
For example,
Given 2d vector =
By calling next repeatedly until hasNext returns false, the order of elements returned by next should be: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].

# Time:  O(1)
# Space: O(1)

class Vector2D:
    x, y = 0, 0
    vec = None

    # Initialize your data structure here.
    # @param {integer[][]} vec2d
    def __init__(self, vec2d):
        self.vec = vec2d
        self.x = 0
        if self.x != len(self.vec):
            self.y = 0

    # @return {integer}
    def next(self):
        ret = self.vec[self.x][self.y]
        self.y += 1
        return ret

    # @return {boolean}
    def hasNext(self):
        return self.x != len(self.vec) and self.y != len(self.vec[self.x])

    def adjustNextIter(self):
        while self.x != len(self.vec) and self.y == len(self.vec[self.x]): 
            self.x += 1
            if self.x != len(self.vec):
                self.y = 0

Leetcode 250. Count Univalue Subtrees

Given a binary tree, count the number of uni-value subtrees.
A Uni-value subtree means all nodes of the subtree have the same value.

For example:

Given binary tree,

   / \
  1   5
 / \   \
5   5   5

return 4.
Based on the description, the tree must consider its all children. So it is easier.
Go recursion with each node, and call a function to judge if it is a uni-value subtree.

# Time:  O(n)
# Space: O(h)
# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
#     def __init__(self, x):
#         self.val = x
#         self.left = None
#         self.right = None

class Solution:
    # @param {TreeNode} root
    # @return {integer}
    def countUnivalSubtrees(self, root):
        [is_uni, count] = self.isUnivalSubtrees(root, 0);
        return count;

    def isUnivalSubtrees(self, root, count):
        if not root:
            return [True, count]

        [left, count] = self.isUnivalSubtrees(root.left, count)
        [right, count] = self.isUnivalSubtrees(root.right, count)
        if self.isSame(root, root.left, left) and \
           self.isSame(root, root.right, right):
                count += 1
                return [True, count]

        return [False, count]
    def isSame(self, root, child, is_uni):
        return not child or (is_uni and root.val == child.val)

Leetcode 249.Group Shifted Strings

Given a string, we can “shift” each of its letter to its successive letter, for example: “abc” -> “bcd”. We can keep “shifting” which forms the sequence:

"abc" -> "bcd" -> ... -> "xyz"

Given a list of strings which contains only lowercase alphabets, group all strings that belong to the same shifting sequence.

For example,

given: ["abc", "bcd", "acef", "xyz", "az", "ba", "a", "z"], Return:


Note: For the return value, each inner list’s elements must follow the lexicographic order.
So the thing is quite clear: for one char or only one word of the length, they are in the list. For others, get the differences of ord() to the first char, if it is negative, plus 26, then pick strings that have the same list of differences. For example, for "abc", "bcd" and "xyz", their difference lists should be [1,1]. Or we can use a string to replace the list.

# Time:  O(nlogn)
# Space: O(n)

class Solution:
    # @param {string[]} strings
    # @return {string[][]}
    def groupStrings(self, strings):
        groups = {};
        for s in strings:  # Grouping.
            if self.hashStr(s) not in groups:
                groups[self.hashStr(s)] = [s]

        result = []
        for key, val in groups.iteritems():
        return result

    def hashStr(self, s):
        base = ord(s[0])
        hashcode = ""
        for i in xrange(len(s)):
            if ord(s[i]) - base >= 0:
                hashcode += unichr(ord('a') + ord(s[i]) - base)
                hashcode += unichr(ord('a') + ord(s[i]) - base + 26)
        return hashcode

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Leetcode 248. Strobogrammatic Number III

A strobogrammatic number is a number that looks the same when rotated 180 degrees (looked at upside down).
Write a function to count the total strobogrammatic numbers that exist in the range of low <= num <= high.

This problem is way harder than the previous two. Reference: kamyu104's GitHub.

# Time:  O(5^(n/2))
# Space: O(n)

class Solution:
    lookup = {'0':'0', '1':'1', '6':'9', '8':'8', '9':'6'}
    cache = {}

    # @param {string} low
    # @param {string} high
    # @return {integer}
    def strobogrammaticInRange(self, low, high):
        count = self.countStrobogrammaticUntil(high, False) - \
                self.countStrobogrammaticUntil(low, False) + \
        return count if count >= 0 else 0

    def countStrobogrammaticUntil(self, num,  can_start_with_0):
        if can_start_with_0 and num in self.cache:
            return self.cache[num]

        count = 0
        if len(num) == 1:
            for c in ['0', '1', '8']:
                if num[0] >= c:
                    count += 1
            self.cache[num] = count
            return count
        for key, val in self.lookup.iteritems():
            if can_start_with_0 or key != '0':
                if num[0] > key:
                    if len(num) == 2:  # num is like "21"
                        count += 1
                    else:  # num is like "201"
                        count += self.countStrobogrammaticUntil('9' * (len(num) - 2), True)
                elif num[0] == key:
                    if len(num) == 2:  # num is like 12".
                        if num[-1] >= val:
                            count += 1 
                        if num[-1] >= val:  # num is like "102".
                            count += self.countStrobogrammaticUntil(self.getMid(num), True);
                        elif (self.getMid(num) != '0' * (len(num) - 2)):  # num is like "110".
                            count += self.countStrobogrammaticUntil(self.getMid(num), True) - \

        if not can_start_with_0: # Sum up each length.
            for i in xrange(len(num) - 1, 0, -1):
                count += self.countStrobogrammaticByLength(i)
            self.cache[num] = count

        return count

    def getMid(self, num):
        return num[1:len(num) - 1]

    def countStrobogrammaticByLength(self, n):
        if n == 1:
            return 3
        elif n == 2:
            return 4
        elif n == 3:
            return 4 * 3
            return 5 * self.countStrobogrammaticByLength(n - 2)

    def isStrobogrammatic(self, num):
        n = len(num)
        for i in xrange((n+1) / 2):
            if num[n-1-i] not in self.lookup or \
               num[i] != self.lookup[num[n-1-i]]:
                return False
        return True

Leetcode 247. Strobogrammatic Number II

A strobogrammatic number is a number that looks the same when rotated 180 degrees (looked at upside down).
Find all strobogrammatic numbers that are of length = n.

Using DFS. All 5 numbers can be used for each half position except the single position(6 and 9 can not be used while there is only one position), and the other half are decided in this way. So we have nearly 5^(n/2) such numbers!

# Time:  O(n^2 * 5^(n/2))
# Space: O(n)

class Solution:
    lookup = {'0':'0', '1':'1', '6':'9', '8':'8', '9':'6'}

    # @param {integer} n
    # @return {string[]}
    def findStrobogrammatic(self, n):
        return self.findStrobogrammaticRecu(n, n)

    def findStrobogrammaticRecu(self, n, k):
        if k == 0:
            return ['']
        elif k == 1:
            return ['0', '1', '8']
        result = []
        for num in self.findStrobogrammaticRecu(n, k - 2):
            for key, val in self.lookup.iteritems():
                if n != k or key != '0':
                    result.append(key + num + val)

        return result

Leetcode 246. Strobogrammatic Number

A strobogrammatic number is a number that looks the same when rotated 180 degrees (looked at upside down).
Write a function to determine if a number is strobogrammatic. The number is represented as a string.
For example, the numbers "69", "88", and "818" are all strobogrammatic.

Interesting problem. So we have to find out all single strobogrammatic numbers first. 0, 1, 6, 8, 9, and that's all. To convert, just create a mapping relationship. Also this number should be symmetric from both sides.

# Time:  O(n)
# Space: O(1)

class Solution:
    lookup = {'0':'0', '1':'1', '6':'9', '8':'8', '9':'6'}

    # @param {string} num
    # @return {boolean}
    def isStrobogrammatic(self, num):
        n = len(num)
        for i in xrange((n+1) / 2):
            if num[n-1-i] not in self.lookup or \
               num[i] != self.lookup[num[n-1-i]]:
                return False
            i += 1
        return True

Leetcode 245. Shortest Word Distance III

This is a follow up of Shortest Word Distance. The only difference is now word1 could be the same as word2.
Given a list of words and two words word1 and word2, return the shortest distance between these two words in the list.
word1 and word2 may be the same and they represent two individual words in the list.
For example,
Assume that words = ["practice", "makes", "perfect", "coding", "makes"].
Given word1 = “makes”, word2 = “coding”, return 1.
Given word1 = "makes", word2 = "makes", return 3.
You may assume word1 and word2 are both in the list.

Still easy. Just divide to two cases: word1 equals word2 or not.

# Time:  O(n)
# Space: O(1)

class Solution:
    # @param {string[]} words
    # @param {string} word1
    # @param {string} word2
    # @return {integer}
    def shortestWordDistance(self, words, word1, word2):
        dist = float("inf")
        i, index1, index2 = 0, None, None
        while i < len(words):
            if words[i] == word1:
                if index1 is not None and word1 == word2:
                    dist = min(dist, abs(index1 - i))
                index1 = i
            elif words[i] == word2:
                index2 = i

            if index1 is not None and index2 is not None:
                dist = min(dist, abs(index1 - index2))
            i += 1

        return dist

Leetcode 244. Shortest Word Distance II

This is a follow up of Shortest Word Distance. The only difference is now you are given the list of words and your method will be called repeatedly many times with different parameters. How would you optimize it? 
Design a class which receives a list of words in the constructor, and implements a method that takes two words word1 and word2 and return the shortest distance between these two words in the list. 
For example, 
Assume that words = ["practice", "makes", "perfect", "coding", "makes"]. 
Given word1 = “coding”, word2 = “practice”, return 3. 
Given word1 = "makes", word2 = "coding", return 1. 
You may assume that word1 does not equal to word2, and word1 and word2 are both in the list. 

When the operations are frequent, we should enhance the time performance. So hash table now is a better idea. Also we can do better than comparing all of i and j when finding out the min distance.

# Time:  init: O(n), lookup: O(a + b), a, b is occurences of word1, word2
# Space: O(n)

class WordDistance:
    # initialize your data structure here.
    # @param {string[]} words
    def __init__(self, words):
        self.wordIndex = {}
        for i in xrange(len(words)):
            if words[i] not in self.wordIndex:
                self.wordIndex[words[i]] = [i]

    # @param {string} word1
    # @param {string} word2
    # @return {integer}
    # Adds a word into the data structure.
    def shortest(self, word1, word2):
        indexes1 = self.wordIndex[word1]
        indexes2 = self.wordIndex[word2]

        i, j, dist = 0, 0, float("inf")
        while i < len(indexes1) and j < len(indexes2):
            dist = min(dist, abs(indexes1[i] - indexes2[j]))
            if indexes1[i] < indexes2[j]:
                i += 1
                j += 1

        return dist

Leetcode 243. Shortest Word Distance

Given a list of words and two words word1 and word2, return the shortest distance between these two words in the list.
For example,
Assume that words = ["practice", "makes", "perfect", "coding", "makes"].
Given word1 = “coding”, word2 = “practice”, return 3.
Given word1 = "makes", word2 = "coding", return 1.

This definition of distance is a little bit strange indeed. However this problem is not very hard and we have many ways to solve it. For example, hash table. Or we can save space by using two indexes to record and calculate distance every time and get the min distance.

# Time:  O(n)
# Space: O(1)

class Solution:
    # @param {string[]} words
    # @param {string} word1
    # @param {string} word2
    # @return {integer}
    def shortestDistance(self, words, word1, word2):
        dist = float("inf")
        i, index1, index2 = 0, None, None
        while i < len(words):
            if words[i] == word1:
                index1 = i
            elif words[i] == word2:
                index2 = i

            if index1 is not None and index2 is not None:
                dist = min(dist, abs(index1 - index2))
            i += 1

        return dist