Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Leetcode 188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV


Here comes the boss. DP for sure. If k is large enough, the whole prices can be covered, which is similar with ii; otherwise the solution is the same principle with iii.

# T:O(k*n) S:O(k)
class Solution:
    # @return an integer as the maximum profit 
    def maxProfit(self, k, prices):
        if k >= len(prices) / 2:
            return self.maxAtMostNPairsProfit(prices)

        return self.maxAtMostKPairsProfit(prices, k)

    def maxAtMostNPairsProfit(self, prices):
        profit = 0
        for i in xrange(len(prices) - 1):
            profit += max(0, prices[i + 1] - prices[i])     
        return profit

    def maxAtMostKPairsProfit(self, prices, k):
        max_buy = [float("-inf") for _ in xrange(k + 1)]
        max_sell = [0 for _ in xrange(k + 1)]

        for i in xrange(len(prices)):
            for j in xrange(1, min(k, i/2+1) + 1):
                max_buy[j] = max(max_buy[j], max_sell[j-1] - prices[i])
                max_sell[j] = max(max_sell[j], max_buy[j] + prices[i])

        return max_sell[k]
Run Time: 128 ms

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