The thought is to search for four directions. Note not to search repeatedly.
# T:O(m*n) S:O(m*n) class Solution: # @param {boolean[][]} grid a boolean 2D matrix # @return {int} an integer def numIslands(self, grid): if not grid: return 0 row = len(grid) col = len(grid[0]) used = [[False for j in xrange(col)] for i in xrange(row)] count = 0 for i in xrange(row): for j in xrange(col): if grid[i][j] == '1' and not used[i][j]: self.dfs(grid, used, row, col, i, j) count += 1 return count def dfs(self, grid, used, row, col, x, y): if grid[x][y] == '0' or used[x][y]: return used[x][y] = True if x != 0: self.dfs(grid, used, row, col, x - 1, y) if x != row - 1: self.dfs(grid, used, row, col, x + 1, y) if y != 0: self.dfs(grid, used, row, col, x, y - 1) if y != col - 1: self.dfs(grid, used, row, col, x, y + 1)Run Time: 136 ms
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