Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Leetcode 114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List

Obviously, the tree's node goes first, then left and right. So we can solve it recursively or iteratively.

Solution 1:
# T:O(n) S:O(h)
class Solution:
    # @param root, a tree node
    # @return nothing, do it in place
    def flatten(self, root):
        self.flattenRecu(root, None)
    def flattenRecu(self, root, list_head):
        if root != None:
            list_head = self.flattenRecu(root.right, list_head)
            list_head = self.flattenRecu(root.left, list_head)
            root.right = list_head
            root.left = None
            return root
            return list_head
Run Time: 60 ms

Solution 2:
# T:O(n) S:O(h)
class Solution:
    list_head = None
    # @param root, a tree node
    # @return nothing, do it in place
    def flatten(self, root):
        if root != None:
            root.right = self.list_head
            root.left = None
            self.list_head = root
Run Time: 60 ms

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