This problem is kind of tricky, not all about its difficulty, but the problem's tests are weird. In the description, the start and end words are not in dict, while in the tests they are. The hard point is tracking.
# T:O(n*d) S:O(d) class Solution: # @param start, a string # @param end, a string # @param dict, a set of string # @return an integer def findLadders(self, start, end, dict): dict.add(start) dict.add(end) result, cur, visited, found, trace =\ [], [start], set([start]), False, {word: [] for word in dict} while cur and not found: for word in cur: visited.add(word) next = set() for word in cur: for i in xrange(len(word)): for j in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz': candidate = word[:i] + j + word[i + 1:] if candidate not in visited and candidate in dict: if candidate == end: found = True next.add(candidate) trace[candidate].append(word) cur = next if found: self.backtrack(result, trace, [], end) return result def backtrack(self, result, trace, path, word): if not trace[word]: result.append([word] + path) else: for prev in trace[word]: self.backtrack(result, trace, [word] + path, prev)Run Time: 660 ms
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