Sunday, August 16, 2015

Leetcode 44. Wildcard Matching

Similar with problem No.10, but this time the one line solution is not applicable because the rules here is slightly different from regular expression.

# T:O(n) S:O(1)
class Solution:
    # @param s, an input string
    # @param p, a pattern string
    # @return a boolean
    # @good solution! use 'aaaabaaaab' vs 'a*b*b' as an example
    def isMatch(self, s, p):
        pPointer = sPointer = ss = 0; star = -1
        # ss is star pointer in s, star is star pointer in p
        while sPointer < len(s):
            if pPointer < len(p) and (s[sPointer] == p[pPointer] or p[pPointer] == '?'):
                sPointer += 1; pPointer += 1
            if pPointer < len(p) and p[pPointer] == '*':
                star = pPointer; pPointer += 1; ss = sPointer;
            if star != -1:
                pPointer = star + 1; ss += 1; sPointer = ss
            return False
        while pPointer < len(p) and p[pPointer] == '*':
            pPointer += 1
        if pPointer == len(p): return True
        return False
Run Time: 132 ms

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