Before doing this problem, you have to know about unix-style. The '. .' means going back one level, and '.' means doing nothing, and others mean going deep.
Using stack operation is a good way to solve. Or we can attack from string operation.
Solution 1:
# T:O(n) S:O(n) class Solution: # @param path, a string # @return a string def simplifyPath(self, path): stack, tokens = [], path.split("/") for token in tokens: if token == ".." and stack: stack.pop() elif token != ".." and token != "." and token: stack.append(token) return "/" + "/".join(stack)Run Time: 48 ms
Solution 2:
# T:O(n) S:O(n) class Solution: # @param {string} path # @return {string} def simplifyPath(self, path): path = path.split('/') cur = '/' for i in path: if i == '..': # back to upper level if cur != '/': cur = '/'.join(cur.split('/')[:-1]) # if upper level exist, roll back by one level if cur == '': cur = '/' elif i != '.' and i != '': # add one level if cur == '/': cur += i else: cur += '/' + i return curRun Time: 60 ms
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