Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Leetcode 86. Partition List


Set two pointers, one to point at insert position, another do scan to get wanted nodes. Or just part the list into two parts.

Solution 1:
# T:O(n) S:O(1)
class Solution:
    # @param {ListNode} head
    # @param {integer} x
    # @return {ListNode}
    def partition(self, head, x):
        if not head or not head.next:
            return head
        dummy = ListNode(0)
        dummy.next = head
        p, q = dummy, head
        while True:
            while q.next and p.next.val < x:
                p = p.next
                q = q.next
            while q.next and q.next.val >= x:
                q = q.next
            if not q.next:
                return dummy.next
                temp = q.next
                q.next = temp.next
                temp.next = p.next
                p.next = temp
                p = p.next
        return dummy.next
Run Time: 64 ms

Solution 2:
# T:O(n) S:O(1)
class Solution:
    # @param head, a ListNode
    # @param x, an integer
    # @return a ListNode
    def partition(self, head, x):
        dummySmaller, dummyGreater = ListNode(-1), ListNode(-1)
        smaller, greater = dummySmaller, dummyGreater
        while head:
            if head.val < x:
                smaller.next = head
                smaller = smaller.next
                greater.next = head
                greater = greater.next
            head = head.next
        smaller.next = dummyGreater.next
        greater.next = None
        return dummySmaller.next
Run Time: 72 ms

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